
Showing posts with the label CompaniganjShow all
The Upazila Awami League has demanded the immediate arrest of Quader Mirza, calling him a 'murderer Mirza'
Five leaders and activists following Quader Mirza were arrested
The situation in Basurhat area is tense and there is panic in the minds of the people
28 arrested in Noakhali's Kompaniganj clash
Protest meeting demanding expulsion of Quader Mirza
The whole Basurhat municipal area is in a state of turmoil
Section 144 issued in Basurhat municipal area of Companiganj upazila
Journalist Borhan Uddin Muzakki was shot dead
Exchanges of fire between the two sides of the Awami League, half a hundred injured
The mayor of Basurhat municipality has called a strike in Companiganj on Thursday
Quader Mirza is on strike by encircling Companyganj police station
The strike has been called again in Companiganj for calling Obaidul Quader a child of a Razakar family