Shooting and clashes between the two factions of the Awami League in Kompaniganj, Noakhali. Fifty people were injured, including nine who were shot.

The incident took place in the Hatbazar area of ​​Chatrashi in Charfakira Union of the upazila from Friday afternoon to 8 pm. Gone.

Tensions are running high in the area over the incident. Seven of the nine injured have been admitted to Noakhali General Hospital. Two of them have been sent to Dhaka in critical condition. They are Borhan Uddin Mujakkir (30) and Kamal Uddin (60). Noakhali General Hospital Residential Medical Officer (RMO) Dr. Syed Mohiuddin confirmed the information. According to local sources, the dispute between the two groups became clear when Quader Mirza disbanded the Kompaniganj Upazila Awami League committee on Thursday.

Former Upazila Chairman Mirzanur Rahman Badal on Friday afternoon called for a rally and demonstration procession at Chaparshirhat Bazar of Charfakira Union to protest against the lies against Bridge Minister Obaidul Quader. Later, when Badal's followers went to march in Chaprashirhat Bazaar, the supporters of Quader Mirza launched a surprise attack.

There were chases and counter-chases between the two sides. Upon receiving the news, when Kader Mirza arrived at the scene, there was great tension between the two groups and they got involved in a bloody clash. At one stage an exchange of fire took place.

Fifty people were injured, including nine who were shot. The injured were identified as Robhan Uddin Muzakkir, Kamal Uddin, Farhad, Shamim, Sahin, Babul, Delwar, Bellal and Master. Alamgir Hossain said Mizanur Rahman Badal had clashed with Quader Mirza from Friday afternoon to evening.

Several people were injured. Police fired 10 to 12 rounds to bring the situation under control. Fifty riot police have been deployed at the spot. The situation is under the control of the police. Mizanur Rahman alleged that for the past few months, Quader Mirza has been making offensive remarks to senior leaders, including the Prime Minister, the party's general secretary Obaidul Quader, Noakhali and Feni MPs. In protest, I have organized a press conference in Companiganj on Saturday.

During an exchange of views with party leaders and activists at Chaprashirhat on Friday afternoon, Quader Mirza attacked and shot at us with seven to eight cars and half a hundred motorcycles. He is blaming Mizanur Rahman Badal for the attack.