The coronavirus has spread from Chinese laboratories, not from animal bodies - the commentary is now gaining momentum.
Former head of the US Food and Drug Administration. The New York Times quoted Scott Gottlieb as saying that China's claims about the origin of the corona from animal bodies were shrinking. The theory that the virus originated in Wuhan's laboratory is gaining strength.
China has failed to convey their demands to the world. Scott Gottlieb said the theory of coronary proliferation from the laboratory has begun to spread. "The theory that the virus spreads from the marine animal market in Uhan is not being accepted," he said.
China's claim is gradually losing its reality. The Chinese government has not yet provided strong evidence that the virus did not spread from the lab. So far they could show evidence. Dr. Scott Gottlieb said that the safety of the laboratory could be further enhanced by taking the theory of corona diffusion from the laboratory as true.
For those who are researching the virus there, it is necessary for their safety. Other issues, including lab security, need to be considered internationally. However, Gottlieb warned that the origin of the virus, whether in the laboratory or in the market, does not change the problem. He urged everyone to work for its prevention.