This time Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been infected with coronavirus. On Saturday, Kangana confirmed the news of her corona attack on her Instagram, saying that she is currently in quarantine at home. Kangana wrote on Instagram, 'I have been feeling weak for several days.

My eyes were burning. I did the Covid test before going to Himachal Pradesh. Today the report came positive. She also wrote on his Instagram, 'I didn't know the virus was partying in my body.

But I will destroy the virus very quickly. At the same time the addition of corona, it is nothing like that. A common flu.

So the more scared you are, the more scared you will be. Kangana also commented that the media is unnecessarily exaggerating the coronavirus.

"People are panicking to highlight the virus unnecessarily," she said. Kangana was recently banished from Twitter for life due to one controversial comment after another, but that did not stop her explosive post.

However, even though Twitter has been shut down, this time she has chosen Instagram as a tool.