The government wants to be more affordable in the money. As part of this, the Ministry of Finance has advised the ministry and the departments to be economical in the state shopping. This suggestions have been given in a circular on Monday. At the same time, the government's purchase law (PPA) and the PPA) and government purchase rules (PPRs) have been instructed to ensure transparency and transparency in the purchasing.

In this context, all ministries and departments were requested to be more economical about their shopping. Besides, the PPA and PPR in government purchases are requested to maintain transparency in the process of follow and purchase process. The world has said that due to taxation, there is no expected revenue.

Again, the economy has to spend the right to deal with the effect of taxation. Support is provided under various incentives packages in the affected industry and business. On the other hand, the common people in trouble have to provide cash and food support.

In this situation, the government's expenditure has increased as much as it has increased. That is why trying to reduce costs in different ways. Earlier, the government has decided not to do a new survey work under the management and development budget. That is why on April 26, the Ministry of Finance issued a change in various ministries and departments that do not provide a new construction work regarding construction and establishment.

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance will be spent up to 85 percent of the allocation of the Ministry to reduce the expenditure of the annual development program (ADP) to reduce the cost of the Ministry of Finance. Finance discount is kept off in the implementation of less important projects in the annual development.

Instructions for spending 70 percent of the allocation of annual development program (ADP), the Ministry of Finance. Which later increased by 85 percent.

Besides, the purchase of cars have been closed under the development and management of the development and management. Training of government officials, foreign tourists are also closed. At the beginning of the fiscal year was slow to implement ADP.

In the beginning of the second half, the implementation gets a little bit. But due to the increase in the outbreak of taxoning, that speed has been slow recently. The government has allocated Tk 2 lakh 5 billion in the development of the budget of the fiscal fiscal year (ADP). Which corrects is made one lakh 97 thousand taka.

But it has become challenging to supply the necessary money for this amount of development. In the first 10 months of the current fiscal year, NBR accumulated a total of one lakh 95 thousand 672 crores of revenue.

In comparison to the same period of the last fiscal year, revenue collection is 11.78 percent growth, but it is not collecting revenue according to the target.

At this time, the revenue collection of Tk 40 thousand 535 crore was less than the revised targets. Analysts say that first, NBR targets have been increased.

Secondly, it is not possible to achieve the revised goals of the current fiscal year in the situation that stands due to taxes.