Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader has said that Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina has crossed the boundaries of politics and turned into a statesman. He was speaking as the chief guest at the inaugural function of the documentary titled 'Sheikh Hasina's Four Decades: Irresistible Progress of a Changed Bangladesh' organized by the party's Information and Research Sub-Committee on the occasion of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's Homecoming Day on Sunday morning. Attended the event via video conference from his official residence.

Mentioning that Sheikh Hasina has gone from a militant leader to a popular political and development leader, Obaidul Quader said, "The nation has come to know the true history of the Liberation War today because of Sheikh Hasina." Bangladesh has been free from sin and stigma.

Referring to the solution of border and enclave problems and the conquest of maritime boundaries as Bangladesh has a leadership like Sheikh Hasina, the General Secretary of Awami League understood the fair share of water of Ganges river and hoped that other issues would also be resolved. Obaidul Quader said the construction of the dream Padma Bridge with his own funds is nearing completion as Sheikh Hasina has returned. Besides, other mega projects, especially Metrorail, Bangabandhu Tunnel are being constructed along the bottom of the first river in South Asia.

Recalling the space conquest, Obaidul Quader said, "Bangladesh has entered its own satellite era today under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, daughter of Bangabandhu. Bangladesh today is moving ahead of Pakistan in all socio-economic indicators except atomic bomb."

Sheikh Hasina is the name of the most successful, courageous and humane statesman in Bangladesh after 75. The General Secretary of Awami League said that Sheikh Hasina is the name of the most successful diplomat. To bring back.

Since she came, she has united the quarrelsome Awami League and today Sheikh Hasina has crossed four decades as the president of Awami League and she has crossed the Awami League today, said Obaidul Quader. Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader said, "Sheikh Hasina is in power for the third time in a row for the third time in a row due to the love of the people of the country under her able leadership." Obaidul Quader further said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has turned the country of food shortage into a country of food surplus.