Claiming that journalist Rozina Islam was not "tortured", Health Minister Zahid Malik said the senior reporter from Prothom Alo had removed some documents related to vaccine imports which could have harmed the country if released. The health minister was speaking on Tuesday in connection with the arrest of Rozina Islam on charges of 'attempting to steal' government documents and a case against her under the 'Official Secrets' Act. After the ECNEC meeting in Agargaon at noon, the Health Minister answered various questions of the journalists. Earlier, a press conference was called at 11 am to explain the position of the Health Ministry on the arrest of Rozina.

But the Bangladesh Secretariat Reporters Forum (BSRF), an organization of journalists working in the secretariat, boycotted it. Taking pictures, taking out some files and putting them in the bag, also putting them in the body. Our female officers came, they came and said, 'Why are you doing this?' They took the papers and files from her. She said that the police have been informed, the police officers have come, they are taking over it. Plus he took the mobile, he also got a lot of pictures on his mobile. Rozina was detained in Saiful Islam Bhoona's room for about 5 and a half hours.

Later, the police took him to Shahbagh police station around 8:30 pm. A deputy secretary of the health department filed a case against her. The statement of case said that the documents taken by Rozina included documents related to the import of vaccines. In this context, the health minister said, this thing is also sad.

Because these files were related to vaccines. The ticker agreements that we are making with Russia, the ticker agreements with China are non-disclosure items. We have said nationally, we will keep it a secret, we will not say these things. So if they go out, then stately we have broken our promise and we can't get vaccinated.

This can be a great loss for the country and the people of the country. These are secret documents, it is not right to go out. Denying the allegation of 'physical harassment' by keeping Rozina Islam in the Secretariat, the Health Minister said that from what I heard, she was detained for a long time.

It was the police… he was lying down, sitting down. Couldn't take him. There was no physical abuse or injury. This is not correct. Responding to a question on Rozina, who is now a victim of 'injustice' for reporting on irregularities and corruption in the health ministry, the health minister said, 'Today's incident is not for reporting corruption.

That's what's happening there, what's happening next. He said there were two people at the senior additional secretary and deputy secretary level, initially they made the deal. They later called the police when it came to state secrecy.