Comrade Khalequzzaman, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party of Bangladesh (BSD), demanded immediate and unconditional release of Rozina Islam, who was detained at the Secretariat for five hours and handed over to the police. He has committed the crime of removing confidential documents from the private secretary's room and taking pictures on his mobile phone without permission, so he has been sent to jail with a case in his name. He said in a statement that the incident posed a serious threat to independent journalism and the freedom of the media.

He said that CCTV cameras have been installed in the secretariat, if Rozina has taken any file or taken pictures without permission, it should have been in the footage but the government administration has not shown it yet. The huge picture of corruption in the Ministry of Health has already been made public.

The countrymen also know the news of corruption of Coronation Regent, GKG, corruption of Mithu Syndicate in the past, corruption of drivers of health DGs. Done.

In a statement, Khalequzzaman said that the detention and arrest of Rozina was the result of the resentment of the corrupt bureaucracy of the health ministry. In Canada, he has 3, in South London 1, in Dhaka 4 houses and in Gazipur 21 bighas of property and anonymous FDR of Tk 80 crore is mentioned in the bank. Go. He demanded that a proper investigation be carried out into the acquisition of the bureaucrat's assets and that Rozina be removed and arrested for torture.

At the same time, Rozina demanded his immediate and unconditional release and demanded the repeal of the infamous Digital Security Act, which silenced the freedom of speech and the press.