To deal with the second wave of corona, the cabinet has recommended extending the nationwide lockdown by seven more days until May 31. Earlier, the summary was prepared as per the decision of the inter-ministerial meeting, but this time the summary has been sent to the Prime Minister's Office from the Cabinet Division in the light of the recommendation of the Ministry of Health. With the approval of the Prime Minister, a notification may be issued on Sunday. This information has been known from the sources of the cabinet department. Several officials of the cabinet department said that the lockdown period may be extended for another week due to the recommendation of the health ministry. However, the government may relax some restrictions. 

The National Technical Advisory Committee on Corona has not made any recommendation to extend the lockdown. The committee has emphasized on observing hygiene rules including wearing masks. The 'lockdown' was declared from April 5 this year due to the increase in corona infection. Although there was a loose 'lockdown' till April 13, the government declared a 'severe lockdown' from April 14 as the infection increased further. At first it was loose, but later it was given a 'total lockdown' across the country by imposing strict restrictions. It expires at midnight on April 21. However, the lockdown was extended until midnight on April 28 as the corona infection situation did not improve. Later it was extended by three points till May 23. This time it is increasing in another phase. Bus service, launch, air and rail communication are stopped in this ongoing lockdown. However, the next time, half of the seats were left vacant and buses and domestic flights were launched in the City Corporation area, which is still running. In addition, flights have been launched on several international routes.

The Bangladesh Inland Navigation Passenger Transport Corporation has demanded that the launch be allowed to operate from Monday in compliance with the health rules. The organization made the demand at a press conference at Sadarghat in Dhaka on Saturday. A six-point demand was made by the Inland Navigation Passenger Transport Corporation on May 5 for government incentives to pay salaries and bonuses to workers, including a call for distribution among employers without delay.

Other demands include proportional remission of six months tax in advance, remission of various BIWTA charges for six months, remission of six months survey fee of the Department of Shipping and remission of interest on bank loans for six months.

The Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) has said launch operations will be suspended until government directives are issued.

Before Eid, the government opened shops and shopping malls on the request of the shop owners' association.

Food shops and hotels-restaurants will only be able to sell or supply food, the circular said. Due to the deteriorating situation in India, the deadline for closing the land border with Bangladesh has been extended for another week.

The land border will remain closed till May 31. Due to the Corona situation, Bangladesh's land border with India was declared closed for 14 days from April 26, which expired on May 9.

In the second phase, the land border closure period was extended for another 14 days, which was supposed to end today. In this situation, the period of border closure has been extended for another eight days.