The epidemic of coronavirus has reached alarming proportions in India. Many people in the country are using cow dung and cow urine to survive from corona. Drinking cow urine.

According to Hindus, cows are considered very sacred. They are doing so out of that belief. However, Indian doctors have warned about this.

They say there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of dung in preventing corona and that it increases the risk of spreading other diseases.

In Gujarat, India, some people go to the cowshed once a week and apply cow dung and cow urine on their bodies. They believe it boosts the body's immune system, helping to heal from corona. National President of the Indian Medical Association. JA Jayalal said there is no strong scientific basis for the effectiveness of dung and cow urine against coronavirus.

It is completely faith-based. Moreover, there is a health risk in the body.

There is a risk of transmission of the disease from animals to humans. In addition, there is a risk of coronavirus infection in people who go to the dung together.