Coronavirus infections are on the rise in India as well as Pakistan. The number of corona cases in Pakistan has risen to record levels this week. In the first week of March this year, there were 16,000 corona patients in the country. But in April alone this number came to 1 lakh 40 thousand. In April alone, about 3,000 people died of corona in the country.

It was the highest death toll in the country in a month since the Corona epidemic began. According to official data, the capacity of intensive care units (ICUs) of large public and private hospitals in Lahore for corona patients is 93 per cent as of April 28. On the other hand, some of the largest cities in the worst-hit province of Punjab have ventilator and bed capacity with oxygen up to 80 per cent.

The country's Union Planning Minister Asad Umar has already said that 90 percent of the country's oxygen reserves are being supplied. More than 80 percent of this oxygen is used in hospitals. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan says there is only one doctor for 963 people in the country.

He fears that if the number of corona patients increases further, the situation in the country could become dire. Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC) Executive Director of Karachi. Semi Jamali said that after the second wave of corona, people thought it was the end. They wore masks and obeyed social restrictions.

Now we are not ready to handle another Corona push. The first Corona push in Pakistan came from May to June last year.

The second wave came a few weeks later. From mid-September to the end of February this year, the infection rate was much higher there. The first corona patient was identified there in February last year.

Since then, the number of corona cases in the country has exceeded 8 lakh 41 thousand. And 18 thousand 429 people have died.