In India, the number of deaths due to corona infection is increasing day by day.

Relatives have to stand in line outside the crematorium to bury the bodies of loved ones. Many are not able to bury the body in the morgue.

But there is no more space in the morgue of the hospital in Hughli, West Bengal. So the bodies are being left under the open sky. The people of the area have become impatient with the stench.

They immediately demanded the funeral of the body. The second wave of corona infection has hit West Bengal as well as other states in India.

The death toll is also on the rise. The state government has already announced the appointment of 466 nodal officers for the funeral of the deceased.

The state will also bear all the expenses of the funeral, but the family will have to show the death certificate. It is learned that for the last few days, one hearse after another has started coming to the morgue adjacent to Imambara Hospital in Chunchura, Hughli.

But the authorities closed the gate of the morgue as there was no place to keep so many bodies. That is why the family members of the deceased are now leaving the bodies outside the morgue.

And the stench emanating from those corpses killed the locals. They demanded immediate burial of the bodies to save them from this horrible situation.