In the last 24 hours, 17 more people have died in Corona in the country. The death toll stood at 12,458.

1497 new patients have been identified. A total of 7 lakh 93 thousand 693 people have been identified.

In 24 hours 1056 people and so far 7 lakh 33 thousand 866 people have recovered.

This information has been informed in the press release of the health department today.

In the last 24 hours, 16 thousand 342 samples have been collected and 16 thousand 434 samples have been tested in 486 laboratories. So far 58 lakh 71 thousand 353 samples have been tested.

The detection rate in 24 hours is 9.11 percent. The recovery rate is 92.46 percent and the death rate is 1.57 percent.