In view of the increase in coronavirus infections, some restrictions have been imposed on the movement from Wednesday to April 21.

A notification in this regard was issued by the Cabinet Division on April 12 with an 'all-out lockdown'. The 13-point directive states that all government, semi-government, autonomous and non-government offices / financial institutions will be closed Do.

All modes of transport (road, sea, rail, domestic and international flights) will be closed. The Supreme Court will issue necessary directions to the courts. Later, however, it was decided to keep the bank open for a specified period of time.

Offices concerned with law enforcement and emergency services and essential goods and services, their employees and vehicles will be exempt from the ban. There is no way out of the house without urgent need.

Food Shop Hotel-Restaurant Only food can be sold from 12 noon to 7 pm and from 12 noon to 6 am.

Shopping malls and other shops will be closed.

The government announced a 'lockdown' on March 3 with a number of instructions in the context of increasing coronavirus infection.

According to the announcement, the lockdown was effective from 6 am on April 5 to 12 midnight on April 11. This 'lockdown' was later extended to 14 April. After the first corona patient was identified in Bangladesh on March 8 last year, the Department of Health announced the first death on March 18.

The government then declared a 'general holiday' for the first time on March 23 last year to control the epidemic. Initially, the holiday was declared from March 26 to April 4 last year, but later it was extended several times. The 66-day general holiday ended on May 30 last year.