Phone numbers and personal information of more than 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including Bangladesh, have been leaked online. A user of a low-level hacking forum was found to have done so on Saturday. The list of leaked information includes 3.8 million Facebook users in Bangladesh.

The United States also has the highest number of 106 countries; Data of 32 million users has been published. In addition, there are 11 million users in the UK and 6 million users in India. The confidential information of the user includes phone number, Facebook ID, full name, location, date of birth, resume and in some cases email address. Business Insider has reviewed a sample of leaked information. And verified several records matching the phone numbers of familiar Facebook users with the IDs listed in the data set. The media has also verified the information leaked in the password reset data set test of Facebook using the e-mail address. A spokesperson of Facebook says that this is not the case now, this information was leaked in August 2019.

But then it was fixed. He also said the data was leaked because of the company's weakness. Alan Gall, CTO of Hudson Rock, a cybercrime detective who first discovered the leak, said the leaked information could provide valuable information to cybercriminals over the years.

Who can scam people using their personal information. Even big cyber crimes happen. Alan Gaul thinks that cyber criminals can use this information to steal money from anyone.