The district administration has set up two separate mobile courts in Barisal to implement the lockdown and ensure hygiene.

A separate mobile court imposed a fine of Tk 8,700 on 10 individuals and nine organizations for breaking the lockdown and keeping the shop open and violating hygiene rules. These separate operations are conducted from Tuesday morning to noon.

Assistant Commissioner of the district administration SM Rahatul Islam said, the implementation of the lockdown, including the supervision of the district administration executive magistrate. Ali Sujar's mobile court raided various areas of the city, including Sadar Road and Chawkbazar.

The mobile court also imposed fines of Tk 6,800 on four companies for violating hygiene rules by breaking the lockdown and keeping the shops open. He collected fines of Rs 1,900 from 6 persons. During the campaign, he distributed masks among the traveling people and encouraged everyone to follow the rules of hygiene including wearing masks to protect against corona infection.

Assistant Commissioner SM Rahatul Islam said the operation would be carried out in the public interest. However, some three-wheelers and rickshaws are running inside the city. Hygiene has been neglected in these vehicles. Shops in different markets of the city are open.

Due to the crowd of people in the market, hygiene has disappeared. Shops selling cosmetics and clothing and mobile phones are being kept open secretly in different areas of the city, including Chawkbazar, Kathpatti and church mahallas. They are selling by pulling the shutter. It is ignoring both lockdown and hygiene rules. On the other hand, traders staged a protest procession in the city around 12 noon on Tuesday demanding withdrawal of lockdown and keeping the shop open.

At around 12 noon, the procession of traders from Chawkbazar of the city ended at the Deputy Commissioner's Office after going around various roads of the city. The traders demanded the deputy commissioner to keep the shops open. However, deputy commissioner Jasim Uddin Haider told them that the shops for emergency and food items had been kept open on the instructions of the government.

The administration is humane in this regard. However, in the case of other businesses, there is no opportunity to show relaxation of government guidelines. Because lately, both the corona patient admission in the hospital and the corona detection rate in the PCR lab of the medical college have increased.

In this situation, Deputy Commissioner Jasim Uddin Haider advised everyone to stay at home following the lockdown.