Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has urged the people to stop the cooperation of everyone to prevent the rapid transmission of Coronoviras, to remain unnecessary and to wear mask to wear mask. On Thursday, she said this request to discuss the mourning proposal on the death of MP Mahmud Us Samad Chowdhury (Sylhet-3) in the 12th session of the Jatiya Sangsad. The Prime Minister said, "The virus is being infected very quickly. This outbreak is not only in our country but all over the world.

So, I want to tell everyone- She said, although Karonavirus was initially controlled in Bangladesh, after the start of the Covid-19 vaccination program, the infection of the virus has recently increased due to ignoring the rules of health. Sheikh Hasina said, "The movement of the people and the public has increased too much, although I repeatedly asked everyone to wear a mask and to comply with hygiene. The Prime Minister said that the government has already issued some instructions to control the infection of Cavid-19, saying, "We are gradually trying to control it, but in this case people's cooperation is needed.

I request to be specially visible to the public in the public. "I said, 'Tell everyone, marriage done in a domesticity of marriage and less people.

Do not mix with the outside guy. In a short period of time, the shop is finished, return home and return home.