The people of the capital have to take a 'movement pass' by registering in the app to go out for various needs in 'all-round lockdown'.

Since the launch of this app, the search engine Google has searched a significant number of times in the country for the issue of 'Movement Pass'. About 3 crore hits have been read in the app. A total of 2,78,779,595 hits were made in the 'Movement Pass' app from noon on Tuesday to Wednesday.

Two lakh 22 thousand 229 applications have been submitted. One lakh 32 thousand 879 people got pass. The app received 14,557 clicks per minute. DIG (Media) at the police headquarters Haider Ali Khan confirmed the information.

He said that 'Movement Pass' is at the top of Google search in the country till noon on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the police officially launched an app called 'Movement Pass'. In the first hour after the inauguration, one lakh 25 thousand people applied for the lockdown. Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed inaugurated the app at the Rajarbagh Police Auditorium around 11:30 am on Tuesday. No. Benazir said she may have to leave for limited reasons. But they have to take the movement pass.

Even if you go out, you must return home quickly. Young people will not come out as responsible citizens. He also discouraged everyone from getting out of the car. He added, 'You don't have to take a movement pass. We are not forcing anyone.

There is no legal issue here. However, the IGP indicated that he would face police interrogation if anyone came out without a pass. However, media personnel will not need this pass. Police officials said, you can apply for the pass by entering the website

Movement pass will come only after entering the site and filling the relevant form properly and submitting it. After downloading, it has to be printed or shown to the police on duty while navigating on mobile phone. Police officials further said that grocery shopping, raw market, purchase of medicines, medical, jobs, agriculture, transportation of goods, supply of goods, relief distribution, wholesale / retail purchase, tourism , Passes can be applied for to go out for other urgent reasons including funeral, business. Movement pass is required to travel outside Dhaka.

Multiple passes cannot be taken with one mobile number. A pass can be used once. To go and come, two separate passes have to be applied. Those who do not have internet system, smartphone, how will they collect this pass - in response to the question, the IGP said, 'About seven and a half crore people in the country use the Internet.

If no one from the marginalized population can, take the help of a neighbor.