Two sons of his mother took crematorium in motorcycle without getting ambulance in Andhra Pradesh of India. Because of his taxation symptoms, sample samples for the test.

However, before the report came, he died. Anandabazar report says that the woman's house in the Major Mandal Mandal village of Srikulam district of Andhra Pradesh.

Various symptoms of taxes have occurred for a few days. Then do not do the test. However, before the report came, his physical condition was deteriorated to death. Then the family started looking for ambulance in different hospitals for the woman's body.

However, family members could not arrange an ambulance in any way. Even, it could not be arranged to take the body cremation through any other car.

In the end, the woman's body took over to the crematorium and took her son and son-in-law. In the last 24 hours in India, more than 3 lakh 23 thousand people were found in the presence of pharma taxes. In India, more than 1 crore 76 million people have been identified in Karonavirus.

And died 1 lakh 97 thousand 894 people