A stronger form of coronavirus has been identified in Sri Lanka. This newly identified species is airborne and more contagious than any other species found so far. The virus can stay in the air for at least an hour.

The rate of transmission of the viruses is also faster than before. Nilika Malavije, Head of the Department of Immunology, Sri Jayawardenepura University, said, "The type of coronavirus found on our island (Sri Lanka) is different and stronger than the others."

The country's health department fears the new pattern may already be widespread. Many children, teenagers and young people are now being affected by the disease. The country's public health inspector Upul Rohana said, it is not clear yet.

But after two-three weeks the real situation will be understood. The next two weeks will be the incubation period of the virus.

It could then become the third wave to hit Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the Sri Lankan Ministry of Coved Prevention has issued new instructions till May 31.

In Sri Lanka, an average of 150 cases were reported in mid-April. In just one week, the number of infections has risen to 600 a day.

Officials say covid treatment in Sri Lanka has exceeded their capabilities. The number of victims in the country so far is close to one lakh. 638 people died.