Jatiya Sangsad Whip Iqbalur Rahim MP said that Bangabandhu transformed the unarmed Bengali nation into armed Bengalis through his speech on March 7.

It was because of this speech that unarmed Bengalis were inspired to go to war against Pakistani exploitation and rule. In which the Bengalis found all the art techniques to win the war of independence. March 7 is not only an asset to Bangladesh, but also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. He said Bangabandhu wanted to make Bangladesh a golden country.

His dream is now being realized in the hands of his daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Bangladesh has become a developing country today due to the visionary and strong leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He further said that those who came to power after the assassination of Bangabandhu and did not allow the March 7 speech to be played have been thrown in the dustbin of history.

They thought that if Bangabandhu was killed, the country would become Pakistan again. Bangladesh will have to stand with its head bowed again. But Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Bangabandhu, has pushed the Sakar conspiracy away and raised her head not only in Bangladesh but also in the world. Whip of the Jatiya Sangsad Iqbalur Rahim MP said this after paying homage to the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dinajpur District Administration premises on the occasion of historic March 7.

Deputy Commissioner Khaled Mohammad Zaki, Superintendent of Police Mohammad Anwar Hossain BPM, PPM (Bar), Dinajpur Sadar Upazila Parishad Chairman and Sadar Upazila Awami League President Mohammad Imdad Sarkar, Sadar Upazila Awami League Acting General Secretary Mohammad Mominul Islam, City Awami League Acting President Raihan Kabir Sohag, General Secretary SM Khalequzzaman Raju and others.

Various organizations including district administration, police administration, Awami League, city and Kotwali Awami League, Juba League, Chhatra League, Swechchhasebak League, Mahila League, Juba Mahila League, Tati League, Dinajpur Press Club, Journalists Union and various educational institutions paid homage to the portrait of Bangabandhu.