Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that no one will ever be able to control Bangladesh. He was speaking on the occasion of the golden jubilee of independence and the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 'Mujib Chirantan' on Friday. Modi said in a firm voice that in the coming days, Bangladesh and India will move forward together and reach the desired goal of development and prosperity.

He started his speech by addressing 'Dear Friends of Golden Bengal'. He invited the President to take part in this historic event in Dhaka. He thanked Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He said, "Today's event in Dhaka will be the most memorable moment of my life."

On this auspicious occasion of the 50th anniversary of the independence of Bangladesh, on behalf of myself and the people of India, I extend my sincere congratulations to the people of Bangladesh. Narendra Modi said that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman fought for the establishment of an independent Bangladesh with extraordinary determination. He inspired the people of the country with the mantra of freedom and rights.

Speaking in Bengali, Narendra Modi said that he had called everyone and said, "This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom." His speech will be forever remembered in the history of the world. On that day, at the call of Bangabandhu, the peasants, youth, workers and laborers of Bangladesh united and formed the Mukti Bahini and jumped into the armed struggle for independence.

He showed the dream of liberation to the Bengalis. That is why people are remembering Bangabandhu's dream and ideology in Mujib Year today. He said, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman has made Bangladesh independent. At the same time, he has spread the message of peace in regional and global politics.

That is why the Indian government has awarded Bangabandhu the Gandhi Peace Prize this year, said Narendra Modi. In his speech, Narendra Modi paid homage to all by mentioning the names of martyrs in the language movement and freedom struggle of Bangladesh.

He mentioned the names of the top Indian army officers who took part in the liberation war of Bangladesh but remembered them with reverence. Narendra Modi recalled his movement during the long chapter of Bangladesh's freedom struggle and said, "When the people of Bangladesh were fighting for independence, I was young." Age was 20 to 22 years.

At that time I took part in the Satyagraha movement in India on behalf of the people of Bangladesh. That was the first time in my life to take part in any movement. He said that he had to be imprisoned for this. He said that this shows that the people of Bangladesh had the same passion for the independence of Bangladesh as the people of India had. He highlighted various issues related to the historical relationship between Bangladesh and India. The bond between the hearts of Bangladesh and India was created.

At that time the Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi stood by the people of Bangladesh with a strong heart. Since then, new milestones have been set about Bangladesh and India. Recalling the historic moment when he first arrived in Dhaka in 2015 to complete the implementation of the land border agreement, he said Bangladesh-India relations would continue in the days to come. Together, Bangladesh and India will achieve the desired goal of prosperity and development. Narendra Modi said Bangladesh is a fast-moving economy. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is leading Bangladesh on the path of rapid development with far-sighted leadership.

No one will ever be able to suppress the Bangladesh that Bangabandhu made independent. A special plane of the Indian Air Force carrying Prime Minister Narendra Modi landed at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport at 10:30 am on Friday.

Then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave him a warm welcome. The Prime Minister of India was then given a red carpet reception and a guard of honor.

After the formalities at the airport, the Prime Minister of India visited the National Memorial in Savar and paid homage to the heroic martyrs of the War of Liberation. There he planted a tree and signed a visitor's book.