The human response to the coronavirus vaccine continues. On Monday, the 25th day of the government's mass immunization program, another 1,17,148 people across the country were vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Of them, 72,358 are males and 44,790 are females. So far, a total of 39 lakh 6 thousand 500 people have been vaccinated. Among them 24 lakh 93 thousand 211 males and 14 lakh 13 thousand 289 females.

So far, 859 people have had mild side effects from the vaccine, but all are healthy, health department sources said. The Department of Information Communication and Technology has confirmed that 51 lakh 36 thousand 474 people have registered for the security app and website by 5.30 pm on Monday expressing interest in getting vaccinated.

On Monday, 37,967 people were vaccinated in Dhaka division, 5,266 in Mymensingh division, 19,568 in Chittagong division, 12,807 in Rajshahi division, 11,813 in Rangpur division, 21,099 in Khulna division and 4,806 in Barisal division. John and 3 thousand 912 people in Sylhet division. In all, 12 lakh 27 thousand 465 people have been vaccinated in Dhaka division, one lakh 64 thousand 382 people in Mymensingh division, 8 lakh 24 thousand 72 people in Chittagong division, 4 lakh 23 thousand 287 people in Rajshahi division and 3 lakh 57 thousand people in Rangpur division. 532 people, 5 lakh 8 thousand 342 people in Khulna division, 1 lakh 77 thousand 967 people in Barisal division and 2 lakh 23 thousand 453 people in Sylhet division.