Myanmar's army and police have threatened to kill anti-military protesters.

They found more than 800 videos threatening protesters, including Myanmar's ICT for Development (MIDO), a research organization working to protect digital rights. News agency Reuters released a report on the matter on Thursday.

The agency's executive director, Tyke Tyke Aung, said they had received more than 800 videos made by the military where protesters had been threatened.

The ticket contains hundreds of videos of uniformed army and police members. It's just the tip of the iceberg. The report says a man in an army uniform aimed his rifle at the camera and shouted at protesters, "I'll shoot you in the face. I'm using real bullets."

"Tonight I will patrol the whole city and shoot anyone I see. If you want to be martyred, I will fulfill your wish. The army seized power through a military coup on February 1.

Ruling party leader Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Mint were placed under house arrest. A week later, anti-coup protests erupted in the country. So far, more than 50 people have been killed in anti-coup protests.