Awami League General Secretary and Minister for Road Transport and Bridges Obaidul Quader has said that the BNP's announcement to celebrate the historic March 7 is nothing but another political hypocrisy.

He said this at the beginning of a joint meeting at the central office of the Awami League on Bangabandhu Avenue in the capital on Saturday afternoon. The meeting of the presidents and general secretaries of Dhaka Metropolitan Awami League North-South and allied organizations was held with the secretariat of Awami League. Obaidul Quader said, "Today, after 46 years, the BNP has suddenly realized.

They banned March 7, not only did they ban the historic March 7 speech, they tortured, imprisoned and paralyzed many who played the speech for the crime of playing the March 7 speech. Doing. Today, the BNP wants to cover the face with a mask.

Celebrating March 7, saying on the other hand, a speech brings freedom. In fact, they are talking about March 7 to say this. This is nothing but another political hypocrisy of theirs. The general secretary of the Awami League said that a historically significant fugitive convicted by the court by inaugurating the program in March was not well received by the people of this country.

The BNP has made a joke with the spirit of our liberation war by inaugurating the program in the month of great independence with a convicted accused. Through which they have betrayed the history of Bengali identity building. Criticizing another BNP leader's statement on August 15 at a divisional rally in Rajshahi, Obaidul Quader said, "We don't understand it. Is this arrogant statement personal or BNP's party position?" In the last four-five days, the BNP official has not given any explanation about the statement of the BNP leader and has proved that it is their party position.

At this historic moment of the golden jubilee of independence, they are still engaged in the politics of murder-cue-conspiracy-conspiracy. Questioning BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, he said, The crocodile is shedding tears.

What will he answer? How did your party leader get the courage to make such an arrogant statement at the moment of celebrating the Golden Jubilee? Isn't this your party statement? I want to know from you? The bridge minister said, 'Today the BNP has survived the path of conspiracy.

Because when they go to the polls, people don't vote for them. The people have turned away. People do not respond to the movement. They tried repeatedly, shouted but the people did not respond to their movement. Because BNP's movement means violence, BNP's movement means burning, arson is terrorism in the name of their movement. Obaidul Quader said that the people of the country are aware of this bitter experience.

It is not the fault of the government, nor is it the fault of the Election Commission. Obaidul Quader also announced various programs adopted by the Awami League on the occasion of Mujib Year and Golden Jubilee of Independence from the meeting. Advocate Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Abdur Rahman, Joint General Secretary Mahbub-ul-Alam Hanif, Dr. Dipu Moni and AFM Bahauddin Nasim, Organizing Secretary Ahmed Hossain, BM Mozammel Haque, Mirza Azam and Afzal Hossain, Office Secretary Barrister Biplob Barua, Labor and Manpower Secretary Habibur Rahman Siraj, Information and Research Secretary Dr. Selim Mahmud, Forest and Environment Secretary Delwar Hossain, Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan, Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League President Abu Ahmed Monnafi and President-General Secretaries of North and South Awami League and allied organizations were present.