Five more people have died in the country in the last 24 hours due to coronavirus infection. The total number of deaths from coronavirus in the country stands at 8,428.

This information has been informed in a press release of the health department today.

In the last 24 hours, 614 new cases of coronavirus have been detected. With this, the number of people infected with coronavirus has stood at 5 lakh 47 thousand 930 people.

In the last 24 hours, 936 more patients have recovered. With this, the total number of healthy patients in the country has increased to 4 lakh 99 thousand 627 people.

In 24 hours, 16 thousand 414 samples have been tested in 217 labs in the country. So far 40 lakh 89 thousand 336 samples have been tested.

Considering the sample test, the detection rate in 24 hours is 3.74 percent, so far the total detection rate is 13.40 percent. Recognized, the recovery rate is 91.18 percent and the death rate is 1.54 percent.