Banks and financial institutions in Bangladesh have been caught preparing for a major cyber attack. The matter came to light under the supervision of Bangladesh Computer Emergency Response Team (BDSERT), a government specialized agency in cyber crime investigation.

Alleged organizations have already been alerted about the preparations for the attack. It is learned that hackers have been trying to attack the websites and servers of three banks including Bangladesh Bank and a mobile banking organization. Although they did not succeed, the attempt was seen as a preparation for a larger attack.

Meanwhile, a report by Fire Eye, a US-based international cybercrime research organization, says new ransomware has been launched in various Asian countries this year. There are fears that the use of these ronsovers could lead to mass hijackings of health and financial services in particular, especially in Asian countries.

Therefore, experts have advised to be vigilant about the security of the computer and server systems of the companies as well as the customer service network of the internet service providers, personal computers and smartphones. The group tries to clone or copy the websites of banks and financial institutions in the country using new types of RAT malware.

No evidence was found that their attempt was successful. However, there have been images of repeated attempts to attack certain sites. These include government agencies, the Corona-BD website open for CWID-19 control activities, a number of banks and financial institutions. He said the Casablanca attempt looked like it was their preparatory attack.

Through small attacks, they were trying to secretly occupy specific websites. Through this, the hacker group wanted to hijack the servers, software and customer information of these organizations. After capturing them, they would probably launch a major attack and take hostage the entire server network of the organizations. Their attempt was apparently unsuccessful.

But the concerned institutions have to keep a watchful eye. Because they can steal information even by using carelessness or minor weaknesses. The exact location of the hacker group has not yet been determined due to the use of up-to-date technology to hide location and identity.

It is basically malware of the Trojan Horse group. Basically, hackers use it to take control of a website, server or computer remotely. There are many types of malware now and there is also malware capable of attacking Android smartphones. Using this malware, hackers can take over websites, servers or computers and install software as needed.

This hacker group made that effort in the case of various organizations in Bangladesh. He thinks that there is no alternative to awareness to stop the attack. Sumon Ahmed Sabir said with the example, suppose, you are an official of an organization. Your personal computer has been taken over by a hacker. He then connected the computer to the office or transferred files using a portable drive. Then the malware will easily enter the office server from your computer and go under the control of hackers.

For this reason, besides the security of the server of the organization, the individual should also be aware of cyber security. At the same time, all types of Internet service providers in the country need to monitor whether the network used in customer service is being attacked by any malware. On the organization's website.

Apart from this, attempts have been made to copy the Corona-BD website and Bangladesh Police website by launching several attacks.

Websites and servers are completely secure. He said that Bikash's own cyber security system is very strong. At the same time we are aware of the observations of BDSirt.

Meanwhile, a recent study on the type of cyber-attack by Fire Eye this year said that a new type of ransomware attack could cause a major crisis in the world this year. This type of ransomware can attack Windows and Android with equal capabilities. As well as being able to take over the system very quickly.