Popular Dhaliwood actress Parimani and filmmaker Siam Ahmed's first film 'Biswasundari' has been running in theaters for two consecutive months. The movie, which was released on December 11 last year, is in its 8th week but is still attracting audiences in several theaters in Dhaka and outside. In the meantime, the song titled 'Tui Ki Amar Hobi Re' has been viewed more than four crore times.
The song was published online on December 5 last year. The song has been viewed more than 31 million times on the official YouTube channel of the film's broadcast partner Maasranga Television. The song has also been viewed on the YouTube channel of distributor Jazz Multimedia for nearly one crore (more than 91 lakh).
Written by lyricist Kabir Bakul, Imran and Kona have given voice to the melody and music of musician Imran Mahmudul. Sumon Rahman was the choreographer, Khair Khandaker was the cinematographer and Iqbal Kabir was the editor.
According to the movie 'Biswasundari', it took five days to record the song. The scene was captured in Bandarban's Nilgiri, Cox's Bazar and Dhaka.
Meanwhile, in the 7th week of release, 'Biswasundari' is still running on the silver screen in Dhaka's Star Cineplex (Bashundhara City and Border Security Branch), Blockbuster Cinemas, Sena Auditorium, BGB (Dhaka) and Chittagong. This movie, which has been under discussion since the beginning, is the first production of Chayanika Chowdhury. The chemistry of the local heroine Parimani-Siam duo, the melodious songs, the story and construction style of the film - all in all, the audience is still showing interest in 'Biswasundari'.
It is rumored that this is one of the most commercially successful films released last year. Again, some people say that it is not one of the best in terms of business. Talking to the Film Exhibitors Association, Hall Owners, Producers and Distributors, it is learned that 'Biswasundari' is doing better than other films.
Alamgir, Champa, Fazlur Rahman Babu, Monira Mithu, Anand Khaled, Hira, Sujan, Simanta and many others have also acted in the film 'Biswasundari' produced by Sun Music and Motion Pictures Limited. The story of the film is scripted and dialogued by Rumman Rashid Khan. From the first day of the release of the film, the audience was eye-catching. Everyone is bursting with satisfaction after seeing the film released on December 11.