The Public Service Commission of Bangladesh (PSC) has no plans to postpone the three ongoing BCS exams.

However, the company may extend the application time for the 43rd BCS exam. Education Minister on Monday. Dipu Moni hinted at postponing the BCS exams by coordinating with the opening of the university. But the chairman of the PSC. Sohrab Hossain told the media, "We think that the education minister has only referred to the 43rd BCS. .

The 41st or 42nd BCS exams would have taken place long ago. At the end of all the process is just left to take the test. So there is no reason to back them up.

However, we will take a decision after discussing with all concerned so that no one is deprived of the opportunity to apply for the 43rd BCS if the university is not reopened, 'he said. .

Apart from the three ongoing examinations, the 41st BCS preliminary examination is scheduled to be held on March 19.

On the other hand, the special BCS or 42nd BCS examination is scheduled to be held on February 26.