The temperature is slowly rising. The prevailing cold wave is also declining. The cold is not feeling like before. As the day progresses, it is becoming more and more uncomfortable to wear warm clothes. But is winter leaving? Winter may say goodbye in the first week of February, meteorologists say. Several parts of the country have been free of cold wave in the last 24 hours.

On Tuesday, cold spells swept over three divisions and 16 regions. The cold wave swept over two divisions and eight regions on Wednesday. According to the Meteorological Department, the lowest temperature recorded in the country on Wednesday was 6.8 degrees Celsius in Tentulia. The highest temperature recorded in Teknaf was 28.3 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature in Dhaka was 14.1 degrees Celsius.

Day and night temperatures may rise slightly across the country. Mild to moderate cold wave is sweeping over Jessore, Kushtia, Satkhira, Barisal, Bhola, Gopalganj, Sitakunda and Srimangal areas including Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions. Several areas have mild to moderate cold spells. Temperatures have started to rise since Tuesday.

Night and day temperatures may rise by 1-2 degrees Celsius across the country. The cold wave has eased in some areas on Wednesday as well. He thinks that the onset of winter will continue throughout the week. In the current season, mild to moderate cold spells prevailed in Rangpur, Rajshahi, Kushtia and Jessore regions from December 18 to 23 and December 26 to 31.

After the onset of the third phase of cold spell, the mercury in the thermometer at Rajarhat in the northern district of Kurigram dropped to 5.5 degrees Celsius on January 31, the lowest temperature in the country this winter. The next day, on February 1, the same temperature was recorded in Srimangal.