Health Minister Zahid Malek has said that the second dose of corona vaccine will be given from April 7. He said that according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), it would be better to give the second dose 8 weeks after the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

According to him, we will give the second dose of vaccine. The health minister told reporters after a meeting at the secretariat on Tuesday.

Although I was supposed to get 50 lakh doses from Seram this month, I got 20 lakh doses on Monday. We have talked to them about the deficit, they say they will increase the vaccination next month. He said that the vaccination program is going on in about 3 thousand booths in 1,010 centers across the country.

Vaccination activities are going well. The minister called for more vaccinations for women. He said that teachers will be vaccinated as per the instructions of the Prime Minister.

That's how teachers get faster according to age. Those teachers will be between the ages of 18 to 40. However, no teacher under the age of 18 will be vaccinated.

Students below 18 will also not get vaccinated. They will be vaccinated as per the decision of the government. Meanwhile, another 225,280 people have been vaccinated in the ongoing vaccination program across the country.

Of which one lakh 39 thousand 780 are males and 85 thousand are females.