Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has said that the information provided in the "All the Prime Minister's Men's" report published in Qatar-based Al Jazeera is not factual. He made the remarks while visiting Saraswati Puja at Rajdhani High School on Tuesday morning. In response to a question from a journalist at the time, he said that what Al-Jazeera had broadcast was a lie, a conspiracy, from the very first day.

They are working on a conspiracy. We have said that all the information they have given is not realistic. Regarding the report of Al-Jazeera, the Home Minister said that it is not the job of journalism to publicize who said what on the phone in secret. He said, I think Bangladesh has gone far beyond all these conspiracies.

The people of this country do not believe what Al-Jazeera has revealed. When asked about this propaganda, he said, "You have already seen that various incidents have taken place in our country to create an unstable situation.

Here too there was a conspiracy to create a different kind of situation in the minds of the people by spreading such rumors.

A lot of conspiracy arson, a lot of things he had to see. Another new conspiracy in this place is whether some people can be misled by the media. That is why this effort.