Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said that the people have been deceived by depriving them of their right to vote in the midnight elections on December 29, 2018, which is an exceptional example of open rigging. Mirza Fakhrul Islam said that in order to prolong this misrule by burying democracy, Khaleda Zia, the beloved leader of the people, was unjustly punished and imprisoned for seeking revenge.

Now he is being held in his home from prison, but he is practically under house arrest. All her basic rights have been taken away. She said, "We will soon release Khaleda Zia to inherit the spirit of Ekushey and together with the struggling people of this country to protect freedom, sovereignty and revive the dying democracy." Day is being celebrated all over the world. It is a matter of great pride for us as a nation.

Everyone must work together to make our language, literature and culture more prosperous. Expressing deep respect to the memory of the heroic martyrs of Bayanna language movement and seeking forgiveness of their souls, the BNP secretary general said, "Bayanna language movement is the final expression of people's demand for establishing Bengali as the state language."

Language martyrs are our source of inspiration to assert rights and protest against injustice. The glorious example of self-sacrifice they have set by sacrificing their lives for the mother tongue has had far-reaching consequences.

It has inspired us in various movements and struggles in recent times. He said, "We have embarked on the path of democratic and freedom movement in the continuation of their self-sacrifice in the war of independence." We have established an independent-sovereign Bangladesh.

The great Ekushey February sharpened the sense of independence and sense of rights. But that consciousness has been thwarted and the stones of one-party rule have been placed on the shoulders of the people today.