The High Court on Wednesday appointed six lawyers as amicus curiae (legal assistants to the court) to seek their views on the admissibility of the writ petition to stop the broadcasting of the Qatar-based Al Jazeera television network and remove the video. Mojibur Rahman Mia and Justice. The High Court bench of Kamrul Hossain Mollah passed the order.

The Amicus Curiae lawyers are: Senior Lawyers AJ Mohammad Ali, Kamal Ul Alam, Abdul Matin Khasru, Fida M Kamal, Prabir Niyogi and Dr. Shahdeen Malik. The court will hear their views on February 15 at 11 am. Whether the writ petition filed in the court to stop the broadcast of Al Jazeera is acceptable, whether the petitioner can file a writ in this way, whether the court can issue an order to stop the broadcast Barrister Enamul Kabir Emon appeared for the writ petition in the court on Wednesday.

Deputy Attorney General Nowroz Mohammad spoke on behalf of the state. Khandaker Reza E Rakib was in favor of Russell Chowdhury and BTRC. Supreme Court lawyer Barrister Enamul Kabir Emon filed the writ petition on Monday.

The petition seeks directions to remove the 'All the Prime Minister's Men' report from all online platforms, including YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. An investigative report on Bangladesh was aired on 1 February.

The report alleges that high-ranking officials were involved in corruption. Officially, the report has been strongly protested. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bangladesh Army have also strongly condemned and protested the report.

The Al Jazeera TV network's report has been described by various quarters of the government as untrue and fabricated. A protest letter sent from the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said that the Bangladesh Army headquarters strongly protested the report published and published on Al Jazeera.