Various student organizations of the country have demanded speedy trial of the attack on the students of Barisal University and punishment of the culprits.

Various organizations including Chhatra League, Chhatra Union, Chhatra Maitri and Chhatra Front have issued statements condemning and protesting the attack carried out on Tuesday night. The procession started from Dhaka University Student Teachers Center (TSC) under the chairmanship of Al Qaderi Joy and ended at Shamsunnahar Hall, Shahbagh Junction and ended at Raju Sculpture.

Faizullah, central president of the student union, and Rashed Shahriar, general secretary of the Samajtantrik Chhatra Front (Marxist), were present at the rally after the procession. The Bangladesh Chhatra League family is strongly condemning and protesting against the barbaric attack.

At the same time, the Chhatra League family is demanding exemplary peace by bringing the perpetrators of the attack under the law by conducting a proper investigation into the incident by the law enforcement agencies. Bangladesh Chhatra League president Al-Nahyan Khan Joy and general secretary Lekhak Bhattacharya wished immediate recovery to all the students injured in the attack.

Fayez Ullah, president of the organization, and Deepak Shil, general secretary, said in a joint statement, "We have seen students and workers come together in different liberation movements of the nation." But at the present time some terrorists are trying to take advantage by creating student-worker divisions.

These terrorists grew up under the umbrella of the government which helps the dictatorial government to survive. Besides, the Bangladesh Student Rights Council, Student Front and Chhatramaitri have issued statements demanding justice and punishment for the attackers.