Technology is being developed to make robots speak Bengali, 'said Junaid Ahmed Palak, state minister for information and communication technology. He was speaking as the chief guest at the inaugural function of '' and 'Dhwani' today.

The website and software were launched on a trial basis at a function organized by the ICT department on a virtual platform. Under the project, many services and resources of language technology and artificial intelligence are being created. The objective of this project is to enrich the Bengali language by using information technology through research and development.

Besides, to establish Bengali language as a leading language in the global platform. Adaptation or adaptation of Bangla language especially in computing and ICT. Establishing Bengali as the language of the United Nations requires a variety of resources, including real-time automatic speech-to-speech machine translation.

Through this we will be able to reach most of the services to the people by 2021. Following this, an 'experimental version' of and sound software was released.

The project includes 20 public facing services, 16 research tools and resources, 8 types of standard and printed resources and 10 types of corpus / datasets, ”said Junaid Ahmed Palak.