Leaders and activists of the party are protesting in front of the National Press Club against the decision of BNP founder and former president Ziaur Rahman to cancel the 'Bir Uttam' title and the imprisonment of the party's acting chairman Tarique Rahman and other leaders and activists. Police have been deployed there to avoid any untoward situation. Leaders and activists of the BNP and its allies have been protesting in front of the National Press Club in the capital since Thursday morning.

Due to their protest rally, there was a severe traffic jam on the road in front of the National Press Club. BNP standing committee members Mirza Abbas, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi and other senior leaders of the party are present at the protest rally. It has been decided to withdraw the title of contributor to the liberation war by mentioning the supporter of Bangabandhu's assassination. He will not have all the state facilities.

The decision was taken at a day-long meeting of the council at the Scout Bhaban in the capital on Tuesday. Now Jamuka will send this decision to the Ministry of Liberation War as per the rules. After that the ministry will publish in the form of gazette. It has been decided to cancel the title as well as all their state facilities. Besides, it has been decided to remove the name of former President Khandaker Mushtaq Ahmed, another supporter of Bangabandhu's assassination, from the 'memorable' list of the state.