Health Minister Zahid Malek has said that the wheel of development is running in the country as Corona is under control. Corona control didn’t just happen, it didn’t happen with any magic spells or magic, it had to work for it.

Critics can only criticize. It will be successful if it is done in the right way by keeping the criticism above.

Today, under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, we have been able to tackle corona. We have started giving vaccines, many developed countries of the world have not got vaccinated yet.

Our country is ranked 6th in the world in terms of giving vaccines. Out of 170 million people in the country today, only 1300 are affected by corona. The recovery rate in our country is 90 percent. "In addition to vaccinations, we have to follow hygiene rules," he said.

Only then will we be able to control the corona virus more from the country. The health minister added that a municipality is the drawing room of a district town. The development of the district is not visible if these drawing rooms are not tidy. In order to transform Manikganj municipality into a modern municipality, a master plan has to be prepared.

All future developments will be in accordance with the master plan. Deputy Mayor SM Ferdous, Superintendent of Police Rifat Rahman Shamim, District Council Chairman and District Awami League President Advocate Golam Mohiuddin, District Awami League General Secretary Advocate spoke at the action plan meeting chaired by Mayor Ramzan Ali. Abdus Salam, District Awami League Joint General Secretary Sultanul Azam Khan Apel, Organizing Secretary Sudeb Saha, Manikganj Press Club President Golam Charwar Chanu, Local Government Department Executive Engineer Faizul Haque and others.