The National League for Democracy (NLD) has called for the immediate release of those detained in the military coup, including Myanmar's President U Win Mint, his party chairman and State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi.

The military said in a statement on Tuesday that it had declared a state of emergency in the South Asian country, detaining senior party leaders, including Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Mint. The commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces and army chief Min Aung Laing have seized power. He even made a big change in the cabinet in a day. A statement from the NLD's executive committee said the military coup violated the country's constitution. At the same time, the sovereignty of the people has been awaited.

This is a huge hurdle. The NLD says it is unconstitutional for the country's commander-in-chief to seize power just hours before the new parliament begins. It ignores human sovereignty. However, the "people in the military" also won the November 2020 general election and went to parliament. In the November 8 national election, Suu Kyi's party, the NLD, won a landslide victory. While 322 seats are enough for a majority in parliament, the NLD won 346 seats.

The new parliament was due to convene on Monday. In addition to demanding the release of the leaders, the NLD also called on the army to accept the election results. At the same time, the party called for the convening of a parliament in accordance with the country's constitution. This is a huge hurdle. The report said that despite the NLD's landslide victory, the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) had refused to accept the results, alleging vote rigging. They demanded fresh elections.

However, the USDP has won 71 seats. Of course, this fear appeared a few days ago, but in the middle, the army blew it up, saying that the army is coming to protect the constitution; The force will work according to the law.

Some organizations and the media have taken what they want and are writing about it. Earlier, after a coup in 1962, the country has been ruled by the military for 49 years. In other words, the country was on the path of democracy for only 10 years in the middle. Of course, even then, there was military intervention.