Thousands took to the streets on Saturday to protest the military coup in Myanmar. The military has shut down the country's Internet service to quell protests. Internet watchdog Netblocks says Myanmar's internet speed is now only 16 percent. Earlier, the military shut down Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in the country. Thousands of people took to the streets in Yangon, the country's capital, on Saturday to protest the military coup.

Protesters chanted "Military rule has failed, democracy has won." On Saturday, thousands of people, including factory workers and students, took part in the protest, demanding the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. As they walked the streets of Yangon, the buses sounded their horns in support of them.

Pedestrians raise three fingers to salute the ‘Hunger Games’. The symbol, seen in the Hunger Games movie, has become the language of protest in the region. For the first time since the military coup on Monday, Myanmar's streets have been the scene of large-scale protests for the first time.

Most of the party's MPs, including NLD leader Suu Kyi, were detained. The army also detained President Wynn Mint.