BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said, "KM Nurul Huda will be immortalized in history for holding a vote-rigging election in a fancy terrorist manner."

KM Huda, the main villain in depriving voters of their right to vote, has nailed the coffin to a fair election.

He made the remarks at a press conference at the party's central office in Naya Paltan in the capital at noon. He said,

Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukder, who is in favor of a fair election, is now talking about resigning after suffering a conscientious objection.

He rightly said that the electoral system is now on the brink of a deep abyss. Announcing the program at the time, the senior BNP joint secretary general said that the metropolis and districts across the country, including Dhaka, except Barisal division, will protest against the government's attempt to cancel the title of 'Bir Uttam' by late President Ziaur Rahman. Protest rallies and demonstrations will be held at the headquarters.

The protest rally and demonstration will be held in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka at 10 am on the initiative of Dhaka Metropolitan North and South BNP.

A rally organized by the BNP mayoral candidates to demand fair and neutral elections will be held next Thursday (February 18) in Barisal metropolis.