In the fourth phase (first part), 21 buses have started their journey from Cox's Bazar refugee camp to Bhasanchar with Rohingyas.

It is known that there are about a thousand Rohingyas among them. Another group is scheduled to leave today. On Friday and Saturday morning, the Rohingyas were brought by bus from the refugee camps in Cox's Bazar.

Thousands of Rohingya were seen there on Sunday morning. They left for Bhasanchar by bus in the morning. It is learned that their names are being registered. Those whose registration is being completed are being picked up in the luggage truck and family members are being picked up on the bus. In the first stage, they were picked up in 21 buses.

The buses have left for Chittagong. Sources said that the registered Rohingyas will reach the transit camp of BN Shaheen College in Chittagong by this evening or night. After the final process there, they will be picked up on Monday under the management of the Navy. They will reach Bhasanchar on February 15. In this regard, Commander M Anwarul Kabir, Sub-Project Director of Bhasanchar Project (Asrayan Project-3) said that in the fourth phase (first part) thousands of Rohingyas have left Ukhia for Chittagong for Bhasanchar. This time 3-4 thousand Rohingyas have agreed to come to Bhasanchar voluntarily. On December 4, in the first phase, 1 thousand 642 Rohingyas reached Bhasanchar.

The last time 1,778 Rohingyas reached Bhasanchar was on the morning of January 29. In addition, the government took 306 Rohingyas back to Bhasanchar in May after failing to reach Malaysia by sea illegally. They are also there.

More than 11 lakh Rohingyas are now living in Cox's Bazar camps, including those who took refuge earlier.

Infrastructure has been built in 120 cluster villages suitable for one lakh Rohingyas. The Bangladesh Navy is responsible for the implementation and management of the entire housing project in Bhasanchar.