Sadhan Chandra Majumder says, you have to stop eating shiny rice. Any rice produced in normal process should be eaten. There is no rice variety called Miniket in the country. It is a brand name. Millers are marketing this brand of rice by pruning different varieties of rice. He said this at a press conference organized by the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority on Wednesday after the victory of Prabasikalyan Bhaban in Eskaton in the capital. It was informed that 'Fourth Safe Food Day-2021' will be celebrated at Intercontinental Hotel in the capital on Thursday.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be the chief guest on the occasion. The Minister of Agriculture will be a special guest. Abdur Razzak. The food minister said, 'If you want to eat safe rice, you have to eat red rice. Shining is not gold, it seems we have forgotten.

We like to eat shiny rice. And traders take advantage of this opportunity to resort to manipulation. They are preparing these rice by cutting different varieties of rice. The more the rice is polished, the higher the price, the more it is packaged. He called for stopping the consumption of shiny rice and said, “A committee was formed to conduct a survey on miniket rice.

I have received their report. There is no rice called Miniket. Miniket is actually a brand name. Millers are marketing this brand of rice by pruning different varieties of paddy through polish, fine polish and medium polish. The minister further said, “It is not possible to stop it if you want. Millers do not get the same variety of paddy from farmers. Farmers fill different varieties of paddy in the same sack and supply it to the millers. There is no caste identity.

Then they polish and market under different brand names. So it cannot be stopped if we want to, but we have to move forward step by step. Replying to a question, the food minister said, '18 ministries and a total of 486 agencies are working to ensure safe food in the country. The Safe Food Authority is working in coordination to raise awareness among all.

Being constantly monitored. Safe food monitoring system has been strengthened in every district of the country. So far, the Food Safety Authority has operated 9,475 mobile courts. Food Secretary Moshammat Nazmanara Khanum said, “Six laboratories are being set up in six departments of the country to test the safety and quality of food.

A mobile laboratory van has been launched in collaboration with the FAO. He added, "It is not possible for anyone to secure food alone. BFSA is working together with all the organizations. A separate committee has been formed for this purpose.

BSTI, fisheries, livestock and agriculture and all other organizations are working in progress. Safe Food Authority Chairman. Abdul Qayyum Sarkar said, 'There is no chance to avoid street food. There is also street food in the developed countries of the world. However, the food sold on the sidewalks of the country is not healthy. Work is underway to ensure this.

Many have already been trained. TVC has been created to raise awareness. Moreover, restaurant regulations have been made. He added, 'Currently, the big problem in food is transfat. Rules are being framed to solve this problem. Manzur Morshed Ahmed, a member of Bangladesh Safe Food Authority and senior officials of the Ministry of Food and Safe Food Authority were present at the press conference.