Good day is back in the golden scales. At the beginning of the rise of jute, it was sold at Taka. 1600 to 1800 or tk. 2000 per quintal. At present, jute is being sold at Taka.

Which is the highest record in the history of the country. This is the first time the concerned people are saying such a price. Farmers and traders are also happy with the higher price of jute. Deputy Director of Rajshahi Agriculture Extension Department Shamsul Haque said the target for jute cultivation in Rajshahi district last year (2020) was set at 14,170 hectares of land.

But it has been increased by 26 hectares and cultivated in 14,796 hectares of land. And in 2019, jute was cultivated in 13 thousand 846 hectares of land. Jute cultivation is high, yield is good and price is high. This is the first time I have heard about the high price of jute, said the agriculturist. According to the jute trader, last year (2019) one ounce of jute was sold at 1400 to 1500 rupees. Later the price goes up a bit.

At the beginning of the rise of jute, it was sold at tk. 1600 to 1800 or 2000 tk. Later on, it increased by two to three hundred rupees per week. In this way, it has risen to 5 thousand rupees. However, it is not yet clear whether the price of jute will go up further.

Because the price of yarn has gone up in the world market, so the price of jute has gone up, said the big storekeepers. The yield was good as the weather was favorable.

I sold jute at first because I could not get the price. But now the price of double jute is higher than that. I could not think that the price of jute is so high this time. Government jute mills closed.

However, farmers will not have a problem in selling jute. Because there are private jute mills. Besides, people are coming back from polythene and plastics abroad.

Among them jute bags are in high demand. The good days of the farmers are back in jute cultivation.