Describing BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman's two-year imprisonment sentence in a defamation case as "unprecedented", the party's secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said the verdict was a reflection of the will of the incumbent prime minister. A court on Thursday sentenced BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman to two years in prison in a defamation case in Narail. In a statement issued after the verdict, Mirza Fakhrul said the government had tarnished its image at home and abroad due to various scandals.

For this reason, the government has become reckless and insane and is continuing the unilateral judicial process to divert the public opinion. Following this, a verdict has been passed in a Narail court against BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman. The verdict is purely politically motivated.

Such a verdict in a defamation case for speaking the truth is unprecedented. In this case, it is clear that the court of law is in the hands of the government. Mirza Fakhrul said that the verdict of revenge has been given against Tareq Rahman.

This verdict is part of a crooked master plan. Since the present government came to power, people's freedom of speech and individual has been taken away. The media has been silenced. As soon as someone speaks the truth, the sword of cruel torture and false accusation falls on him. This case is no exception. Not only the media but the entire nation is now suffering from censorship due to the horrible torture and oppression of the government.

He said that some of the misdeeds of the government were published in foreign media without proper explanation but instead they were brought forward and convicted in a false and fabricated case against him. He said that he strongly condemned and protested against the verdict against Tareq Rahman Calling