Distribution of VGD rice has started among 3,176 extremely poor families in Nilphamari Sadar Upazila.

It was inaugurated by Upazila Parishad Chairman Shahid Mahmud at the Palashbari Union Parishad premises on Monday noon. The inauguration ceremony was presided over by Sadar Upazila Executive Officer Elina Akhter. Nurunnahar Shahjadi, deputy director of the district women's affairs department, said 19,882 beneficiary families in the district are getting this benefit from the government.

Beneficiaries will get 30 kg of rice per month till December 2022. Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Elina Akhter said there are 3176 beneficiary families in Sadar Upazila.

Of these, there are 177 families in Palashbari Union. From here the rice distribution program officially started at the upazila level.