The BNP has said that Awami League and democracy cannot go together. The party said, "On the one hand, corruption, misrule, on the other hand, law and order forces and party terrorists have established a reign of terror across the country by attacking, prosecuting, killing, kidnapping and injuring opposition leaders and activists." On the other hand, not only the BNP but all the opposition parties and dissidents are being systematically eliminated. Uncertainty and instability have been created in the country.

The party's senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said this at a press conference at the party's central office in Naya Paltan on Monday.

A strong opposition party is undoubtedly important in the interest of democracy - this statement by the Prime Minister is the best joke with the people," he said. In the meantime, the political and social structure of Bangladesh has been shattered by the onslaught of the Awami League, indiscriminate looting and destruction. At present a terrible idol of a cruel government is prevailing in the country. And whether they want a strong opposition.

Elaborating on the persecution of BNP leaders and activists over the past decade, Rizvi said, "This government has overshadowed the progress of the victory campaign to assassinate democracy by carrying out demonic repression on the opposition." The government now wants to continue the trend of democracy by burying democracy in the grave. They want a strong opposition now. People know that the government is telling unadulterated fresh lies. Destroying democracy is the religion of Awami League. The old one-party rule has come to an end by killing democracy. The whole state and society has been taken under the corpse of democracy under fear and terror.

Mentioning that BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia has been placed under house arrest, he said, "Attempts to assassinate the opposition leader through a master plan have continued." All this is being done in the politics of revenge and hatred.

Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said, "There is no other parliament in the world with such an unprecedented number of auto MPs. In the same way, this time they showed the scattering of auto pass and GPA-5, there is no precedent in the world. An uneducated nation without a spine is needed to seize power unjustly. So he gave unprecedented auto passes to the students.

Adviser to the party chairperson Abdus Salam, joint secretary general Habib-un Nabi Khan Sohail, central leader Mir Sarafat Ali Sapu and others were present.