Former VP Nurul Haque Nur has said that the people of this country have not made any king or queen by voting. The people of this country have the right to make their servants, to make people's representatives, to criticize the people's representatives.

What happened was that a few words against them led to defamation. I would like to ask, if you write two or four lines on Facebook, your dignity is gone, do you really have dignity? "Sometimes with a hammer, sometimes with a helmet, sometimes with the police, sometimes with the BCL, sometimes with the Juba League, whoever is speaking against the government has to go through this torture," he said.

There have been repressions at different times, even during the military rule. But the current government has also gone beyond military rule. Nurul Haque Nur said the digital security law, which the government is using as a weapon to oppress dissidents.

You speak, you write, everywhere you try to silence your voice with that digital security law. Today, no one is safe from this government. The founder and trustee of the public health center Dr. Farooq Wasif was also present at the citizens' rally. Jafrullah Chowdhury, Member Secretary of National Committee for Protection of Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources and Power Ports, Professor Anu Muhammad, Professor Tanjim Uddin, Department of International Relations, Dhaka University.