Awami League joint general secretary. Hasan Mahmud said, "It seems that the BNP leaders have chosen the path of conspiracy after being isolated from the people. On Monday afternoon at Bangabandhu Avenue in the capital, Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League organized a special rally to condemn and protest the BNP government's voterless farce election on February 15, 1996." That said.

The minister said that just as the enemies of the country chose the path of conspiracy after failing to confront Bangabandhu politically, it is understood that the BNP is walking on the path of conspiracy after failing to confront Bangabandhu's daughter Sheikh Hasina politically. He said, 'There are two kinds of explanations for this. One is that the way they conspired against Bangabandhu, they have been involved in various conspiracies against our government for 12 consecutive years. Detached from the people, they have chosen the path of conspiracy.

Another is that they have become isolated from the people and are now dependent on natural calamities. The minister also described Al Jazeera's recent report as part of the conspiracy, saying: "Their untrue report was not accepted by the people of this country and the world. They are losing. In Gulistan, even though people are dancing crazy, more people gather than at the BNP rally, ”said Awami League joint general secretary Dr. Hasan said the BNP had gathered in front of the press club with hundreds of people.

If the gathering of hundreds of people in Dhaka city of 20 million people is a huge gathering, then it must be understood that the world of BNP is getting smaller and how isolated they are from the people. They should stay healthy with the vaccine, because we need a strong opposition party.

Couldn't stay in power for more than a month. The people of this country, led by Bangabandhu Kanya Sheikh Hasina's Awami League, responded by saying goodbye to their power through movement and elections. Hasan Mahmud Diptakanthe said, "The sun of Bengal's independence set on June 23, 1757 at Palashi's Amrakan. The Awami League was born on June 23, 1949. On June 23, 1996, after 21 years, the Awami League formed a government and started progress in the country.

Presided over by South Awami League President Alhaj Abu Ahmed Monnafi and conducted by General Secretary Humayun Kabir, Awami League leaders include Presidium Member Begum Matia Chowdhury MP as Chief Guest and Presidium Member Jahangir Kabir Nanak MP, Joint Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim, Culture Secretary Asim Kumar Ukil. Special guest speech.