The executive committee of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka, has demanded that the Qatar-based international media Al-Jazeera be banned in Bangladesh. The channel is referred to as the mouthpiece of the anti-independence Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh.

In a statement sent to the media on Friday morning, Engineer Kazi Khairul Bashar, secretary of the IEB's Dhaka Center, made the demand.

Al-Jazeera has long distorted the history of our great liberation war," the leaders said in a statement. They are also continuing to work to incite militancy. This time they are engaged in a mischievous attempt to disrupt the development and progress of Bangladesh. We believe that the conspiracy against Al-Jazeera against Bangladesh will be stopped in the future as well as in the past by the conscious citizens of the country. '

They said that Al-Jazeera was not only spreading biased news in the case of Bangladesh, but their role in this case was well known in the international arena. In the Western world, Al-Jazeera is seen as an indirect instigator of terrorist activities. In addition to Egypt, governments in the Middle East have taken action against the media for providing politically motivated news. When this is the situation, public opinion in Bangladesh is also strengthening against Al-Jazeera.

The leaders said that the report published by Al-Jazeera was nothing more than a bunch of misleading sarcasm and crooked hints, which was in fact a politically motivated 'propaganda' run by some notorious people associated with the extremist group Jamaat-e-Islami, which has been progressive in the country since independence in 1971. He has been opposing secular policies.

The statement added that the allegations in Al-Jazeera's report were based on a suspected international criminal, whom Al-Jazeera called a "psychopath." There is not the slightest evidence of that person's involvement with the Prime Minister or any state institution in Bangladesh. And reaching a final decision based on the words of someone who is mentally unbalanced is indicative of a great irresponsibility for an international news channel.

The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Dhaka Central Executive Committee and Council strongly condemned the broadcast of Al-Jazeera's documentary against Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the Government of Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Army as 'false, baseless and defamatory'.

They called for legal action against Al Jazeera for "conspiracy against Bangladesh" and for legal action against Jamaat-e-Islami's "paid agent" David Bergman.